Tagged : top 10 coolest small towns

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portroyalrealestate1_600 Last week it was announced that readers of Budget Travel nominated Port Royal SC one of America's Top 10 Coolest Small Towns.  The winners were announced April 15th on the CBS Early Show.  As most of locals know Port Royal has come along way from years past.  Being recognized for this award is a credit to just how far the area has come. 

I believe one reason Port Royal made the list is because of all the original Mom n' Pop stores.  I often get coffee at the Old Towne Coffee Haus, eat lunch at Moon Doggies, and have dinner at McPherson's Serious Bar-B-Que.  Unlike so many chain restaurants, you can't get that stuff any where else in the world.

The qualifications for the contest were that town has to have a population of less than 10,000 and the small

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