Tagged : Fall Festival of House and Gardens

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beaufort_historic_foundation_295This coming weekend will be a wonderful chance for those who are interested viewing in some of Beaufort's most acclaimed architecture and grounds.  The Historic Beaufort Foundation's annual "Fall Festival of Houses and Gardens” will be Friday, Oct. 23rd thru Sunday, Oct. 25th.  On tour will be historic antebellum, Victorian and early 20th century sites.  Here are schedules, descriptions and cost of each tour.

Friday, Oct. 23, 2009
5:00pm to 8:00pm or 5:30pm to 8:30pm
As daylights fades, this self paced tour highlights a range of seven historic houses, from modest cottages to grand residences that date from the 1820s through the 20th century. This evening tour will reveal all the shapes and sizes of the rich architecture in

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