Sen. Tom Davis Sponsors Bill for Impact Fees of Schools
Posted by Todd Covington on Friday, February 6th, 2009 at 12:53am.
You might not know, but Beaufort country already imposes impact fees housing developers
to construct and improve roads, libraries, and, fire stations. Under a
new bill sponsored by Senator Tom Davis (R - Beaufort), developers
impact fees could also be used to building and improvement of local Beaufort area schools.
Living in Charleston, prior to coming to Beaufort, has given me a unique perspective on the future of Beaufort. It's strange as I see things happening here that happened 10 year ago in Charleston. It's like being able to see the future. Because I have seen the negative effects large, new development can have on an area, I absolutely support the new bill sponsored by Senator Davis.
When no impact fees are accessed, the developer makes off with all the cash and the people of the local community are the ones left holding the bag. After a developer builds a large development and leaves, the local taxpayers are often left with paying for all the additional school buses, more schools, and other services that the school district/local government supply.
I was made aware of the Davis Bill by Tuesday's article in the Beaufort Gazette. In that article, the Gazette said that Realtors were against Davis' Bill. To the Beaufort Gazette, this is one Realtor who supports Tom Davis and this bill. I support it because long tern thinking will benefit us all. Years down the road, when Beaufort has completely been developed, I pray the government officials have watched and learned from all the mistakes made in the Bluffton and Charleston area. If that has happened, development can occur and Beaufort's great quality of life will be retained.